
This mod adds killstreaks like you may know them from COD to Battlefield 3.
The core mechanics are not 100% like in COD but as nearly as currently possible.

This mod is designed as the heart of the killstreak universe. (I hope it will be a universe in the future :stuck_out_tongue:)
It provieds the basic UI and several events to interact with the actual killstreak mods.
Available Killstreaks:

  • Artillery Strike
  • Smoke Screen
  • Grenade resupply
  • Tank spawn
  • Attack heli spawn
  • Adrenaline-rush

For a tutorial how to create your own killstreak mod please have a look at the

For informations about the configuration of the core mod have a look here: GitHub - Maxinger15/VU-Killstreak: This mod adds killstreaks/scorestreaks to BF3.


Core Mod: (9.3 MB)

Killstreaks: (7.2 KB) (7.4 KB) (4.4 KB) (3.8 KB) (4.9 KB) (5.0 KB)

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Hi Maxinger15,

I want to make a variation to this mod, so that capturing objectives also count as kill. And also that for the first kill/capture you get 1 point added to your total points and for the second you get 2 points added and so on, so that it is rewarded, when you stay alive. And that for your points you can then “buy” the killstreak rewards.

Do you think this can be added to your mod (since you wrote that you wanted this mod to be a “universe” for other sub-mods), or should I start another mod from scratch? I didnt look at all the code of your GitHub Repo yet and I am new to VeniceEXT and lua, so I figured it would be easier if I asked you directly beforehand :slight_smile:

Greetings from Germany

die “Score-Logik” liegt im core mod. Du kannst den gerne auf Github forken und deine Methode einbauen und per settings.lua aktivierbar machen, dann kann jeder entscheiden welche Variante er nimmt. Ich glaub nur das das Problem ist das keine Informationen über Scores bekannt sind (ich zieh die nur vom player raus und schaue ob der score anders ist wie beim letzten durchlauf). Vlt kannst du dir das über das capture event und damage event zusammensuchen. Wenn kiwidog und nofate mal ein score event einbauen sollten würde dieses vorhaben sehr viel einfacher werden :smiley: Siehe dazu: . Du kannst da auch gerne schreiben das sie sehen das sowas mehrere brauchen :slight_smile:

Ich hab heute zum ersten Mal einen populierten Server mit deiner Mod gezockt und bemerkt, dass du das Score System schon so hast, wie ich das meinte :stuck_out_tongue: Ich würde nur noch hinzufügen, dass man für jeden Kill oder Capture dann nen Multiplier bekommt also so wie die das im neuen CoD BO CW gelöst haben. Ich versuche mir mal die Sachen anzugucken, die FlashHit auf GitHub gepostet hat zu deinem Issue und da vielleicht was zusammenzubasteln. Ich mache dann einen Fork auf :slight_smile:

It does not work idk why

You need to remove the version from the foldername. vu-killstreak-1.2.3 -> vu-killstreak

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Artillerie, Granaten und Rauch funktionieren, aber Heli und Panzer nicht. :frowning:

The option to reset the streak score when the player dies doesn’t seem to be working for me.

I changed the settings.lua file to this…

local setting = {
    resetOnDeath = true;
    ignoreScoreInVehicle = false;

return setting

Any ideas?

May have found a solution, in the Server init.lua file I moved the logic in the Killstreak:resetScore function into the Killstreak:playerKilled function.

So I removed the Killstreak:resetScore function all together and then updated Killstreak:playerKilled to be…

function Killstreak:playerKilled(player)
    if settings.resetOnDeath then
		if self.playerKillstreakScore[] ~= 0 then
			self.playerKillstreakScore[] = 0
			NetEvents:SendTo("Killstreak:ScoreUpdate", player, tostring(self.playerKillstreakScore[]))
    NetEvents:SendTo("Killstreak:DisableInteraction", player)

… it seems to be working, although haven’t tested it much. Also I’m new to lua scripting so if anyone sees any issues with this update, let me know.

Sorry for reviving this if its wrong(?

But this won’t work as intended, in fact just adding the “player” parameter to the resetScore function call inside playerKilled would have done the same thing without deleting the "resetScore function, but even doing that both things end up with the same result, you’ll see the score reseted by a moment to 0 but in the very moment you do something else your ingame score will update and so will the scores in the mod (due to the mod is using the original score DataContainer) so… the 0 thing in the mod itself didn’t actually reseted, its only affecting the UI a couple of seconds or less

I’m currently working on a fork, already did some improvments, and I’m looking into this one right now trying to be able to mess around with the datacontainer so its able to reset or even diminish the scores under some events (like friendly fire or suicide)