VU-Loading - New redesigned 4K loading screens

That is really nice! The UI is awesome!

Here are some suggestions to make this more useful:

  • Add custom “Rules” box, maybe next to description
  • Show server mods, maybe as icons (you could use font awesome), with option to enable/disable it
  • Add support for custom maps (for future use)

Rules box, custom map name and custom gamemode name support is done (will update soon)!

By server mods you mean administators or modifications?


With server mods I mean the mods that are enabled on the server. They can be listed as names (eg. Compass, night mod etc) or maybe as icons (assign an icon for the most famous). I think mouse is not visible on the loading screen, else you could add them as icons and have their description on a mouseover tooltip…
Anyway, great job, I am just throwing some more ideas!

awesome mod. Looks really nice. However, since I added this mod we started getting rubberbanding (lag). We traced it down, once we removed this mod it was gone. My guess is that the (quite large) UI file gets downloaded by each incoming client from the dedicated server.

I guess what we could do is move all the images and host them online. So that the ui.vuic stays tiny and this stays lag free. Either this or we need HTTP ui.vuic download support.

Is the Web UI source available somewhere?

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I am using the mode on a server with 84 slots I have no lag :slight_smile:
it would be a good idea to put it on http as the banner in the startup.txt, it would also be necessary to leave the possibility to the admin to put images of their choice.
and also to put a custom name of game mode :slight_smile:

Have a nice day !

Edit : micro lag when players join ! a wait the next version !

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So no lag with V2 but it has a micro lag on V3? :open_mouth:

Great job!

Two minor suggestions:

  • randomize the order of the images
  • wait for the first image to fully load then display it

Currently I have the v2, I test the v4 tomorrow.

Hey all, i placed this mod on our server but it still shows the old “info” area in the middle of the photo - how do i get rid of this?

Disabled in betteringameadmin

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hello, here’s a suggestion: add a sound or music when loading the map (an option that allows you to put a youtube link)

see you !

yeah, can we get the source of this mod? So we can add stuff like mentioned above like music and lazy (external) loading.

Currently we’ve got the Lua bit, but we’re missing the web ui.

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Click on the github link.


Hey, should the screens be transitioning like this or have I done something wrong?


we have the same thing at home, there must be a loading bug?

see you

@BR_ASGARD, @utopiate
Hopefully fixed in!

Please report back if the issue is fixed or not, thanks!


Thank ! For new update !

how does one change the gamemode to ones desired string?

ie. I want the game mode to say “gunfight” ive been editing the variables in the init.lua files but nothing shows up.

oh shall i change it in the gamemodes.ts and recompile ui?

You should use the SetCustomGameModeName function!

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