thanks VU team . and players .
i am schieldman i am the owner of (shedan) clan memebrs -
( shed ) in dog tag clan bf3 clan and also had servers bf 4.
I have a lot of experience as an owner
And also a great player to vip to admins and chief and owner of a servers with plugins
usually i don’t do go in a regulaire servers i i am a No Kill servers
2 help playrs to upload there vehicles because cheaters That way i have i had wil open soon a no kil servers 2 unlock vehicle egains cheaters the regulaire players can also be great i have or i had plug ins kick banned i have that too
i hd hardline no kill and bf 1 friends kills asigment only
a player of bf 1 bf 3 bf 4 bf 5. hardline bath companey 1 & 2.
the most that I do not find correct are cheaters
So stop argue whit the Owners servers and admins blaime the cheaters thanks …join me in faceboock & intagrame & twitter & youtube schieldman