Current/working BFBC2 server setup files - Where?


Firstly thank you for providing a way to continue enjoying this fantastic game. It is such a useful way to wind down and relax down memory lane.

As per title - I have exhausted every line of enquiry that i can find online into hosting/setting up a server for this game.
All the videos are great, but the links to files are all dead, even the ones provided on this forum under “Hosting your own server”.

Does anyone know where a guy could make a start, if it’s still possible?


Start from here How to play Rome/host a server -Venice Unleashed
Even though it was meant to be a LAN server for me and my Grandson, I still somehow got randoms coming into the game :slight_smile: so I would probably only think of doing this if you plan to play over a LAN setup with friends. There are no Bots to play with like VU. If you really want Bots, you could grab a copy of 2042 (got mine for 3.99 in a recent EA sale) and they have redone a couple of the BFBC2 maps which you can play with Bots setup through the Battlefield Portal and still rank up.

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Thank you so much for the reply - unfortunately this is one of the posts I already ran into that had dead links. Currently trying to find the BC2CC app as seen in a youtube video on hosting a server. No luck so far after days of searching :frowning:

Ah ok, np. I did check my old files and believe it or not found BF2CC (that was a few years old!) but not the one you wanted. I noticed in the forums that many folk found BC2CC was starting to not work due to a lack of updates and then the closure of their website and so many were going to Procon instead. Maybe that might be the route to try? I’ve never used it myself so know nothing whatsoever about it but it seems to have been around far more recently (2023 on this site Procon Client - Procon - MyRCON so probably a better chance of success :smiley:

Edit: Sorry, yeah I thought you even might need an older version of this as well and nearly deleted this post but apparently not…the BFBC2 files they removed are still linked on the page so there is hope! Good luck!

Hello friend, follow this video, it’s in Portuguese but has updated links