EndOfRoundTime - Set End-of-round Time!


This mod registers an rcon command for setting the duration of the end-of-round screens. You can set the duration of the “YOUR TEAM HAS WON” message, the duration of the scoreboard shown after, and the duration of the final end-of-round menu.


Add this command to your Startup.txt:

vars.endOfRoundTime <duration>

Optionally, you can specify the duration of the win-message and scoreboard as well:

vars.endOfRoundTime <menu_duration>, <message_duration>, <scoreboard_duration>

The command can also be sent over RCON but will only take effect after a round restart.


The latest version can be found here:

EndOfRoundTime.zip (2.0 KB)

You can also find it on Github:



local menuTime = what’s this menutime?
local winMessageTime = ok juste after 0 ticket
local scoreboardTime = ok scoreboard


First is the message, then comes a period where you can only see the scoreboard. After that come the “Menu” where you can navigate between scoreboard, stats, unlocks, assignments etc. In VU that menu is just scoreboard and stats.

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