Having Launch Issues? Using Windows 7, look here

And there has been a release to the update of the UI which has temporarly broken Windows 7 support.

We are aware of an issue where players on Windows 7 will get an infinite loading screen after the last update and are working on a fix. In the meantime, if you are on Windows 7, you can revert to the previous build using this installer or zip file: https://i.nofate.me/81do7a3efibjncq02z9ylvpwum4kh56s.exe https://i.nofate.me/81do7a3efibjncq02z9ylvpwum4kh56s.zip

Since VU will try to update automatically, you can add -updateBranch none to its launch arguments to prevent it from doing so.

Moving forward, it is highly recommended to upgrade to a in-support Windows version. Windows 7 has been end-of-life and not been patched or maintained for years. We will not be supporting Windows 7 forever, and when the above issue is fixed you will have worse performance than using a supported version of Windows.