Help! Having Issues with VU - Need Some Advice!

Hey everyone,

I’ve recently started using Venice Unleashed to get more control over my Battlefield 3 experience, but I’ve hit a bit of a snag and was hoping someone here could help me out.

So, here are the details:

I’m running VU on my setup, and everything seemed fine initially. But now, I’m running into some issues that I just can’t figure out. It’s frustrating because I’m really excited about all the modding possibilities and custom server options.

Here’s what’s happening:

Game Crashes: Sometimes the game just crashes out of nowhere. It doesn’t seem to be tied to any specific action or event in the game.
Mods Not Loading Properly: I’ve tried loading a few mods, but they either don’t work at all or cause weird glitches.
Server Connection Issues: Occasionally, I can’t connect to servers, or I get disconnected randomly.
I’m not super tech-savvy, so troubleshooting this has been a bit overwhelming. I’ve checked the basics (like ensuring everything is updated, running as admin, etc.), but no luck so far.

When I was searching about this I came across these resources/articles Troubleshooting & FAQ | VU Docs Deep Learning Tutorial

Has anyone else encountered similar problems? Any tips or advice on how to fix these issues would be greatly appreciated! Or if there’s a detailed guide out there, pointing me in the right direction would be awesome.

Thanks a bunch in advance! Looking forward to getting back to some smooth gaming with your help.


quick question: how many bots you tryin to run?..mine works fine at 49…but crashes if i try 64…hope that helps…also i have no noooo gun glitch as well lower player count…should work just fine…any more quesions im here…i got you bud…i want you to expirence the glory of this as much as i have…takes alot of work tho…but im there(until a new mod comes out…lol)