Hi new player. Getting kicked after 5 minutes

Hi there I just installed the mod. I haven’t played Battlefield in a few years. I would like to know why when I join a server (it does the same on regular bf3 servers btw) My game just randomly closes, I get no message for why it kicks me or anything. I manually installed punkbuster and now I don’t know what to do. Thank you in advance!

Punkbuster is not required, VU does not make use of it. Crashes are caused by mods without proper implementation, that the server you joined is using. You should give feedback to the owners of servers that you are having issues to play.

Thank you @reirei I just realised that what was making my game crash was when I press on video options. It instantly causes my game to shut down… I tried many fix but none has worked yet :frowning:

I had that too. What helped was changing the nvidia settings. Changed the Perform scaling on: thing, but idk if from GPU to Display or from Display to GPU. Might be the same issue for you. I think you will also have to restart the PC after that change otherwise it might still crash.