Infinite loading screen after lauching

everything is freshly installed, I launch VU and the same loading of BF appears but it stays like this forever nothing changes, I tried everything I saw but nothing helped, any idea what it could be ? ?


I also have the same issue. In the FAQ we can find only a topic for users with W7, but their resolution is not helping the W10 64b version. Any idea? Freshly installed everything, all legit. Help please

Uninstalled VU, downloaded the ZIP files, unzipped in a new folder, started VU.exe

Working fine, after infinite loadinding screen.


Tks, work for me good job

no luck for me, still stuck on initial loading screen. Any tips?

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so what’s the solution?

l do as Hunty90 sad… l unistall the VU, download ZIP FILES, than unzipped in a diferent folder and solve the problem…

but now l have another problem… l conected to a SV but dont show’s me any HUD ou Menus… stay like this…

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у меня тоже самое. И что делать?

I tried to reinstall cient or use file in zip folder, but after last update, it hangs in loading page and cannot play any more. I have a win7 with all KB installed

Is there a log to examine what happened?