Am moving over from Project Reality (BF2 mod). I have BF3 Limited Edition since 2011 on Origin.
Confused with directions. Am I supposed to pay for Venice Unleashed? I couldn’t find that expansion pack in Origin store.
When I tried to download VU from this website, my antivirus quarantined the file.
“Blacklist virus detected”.
What do I do now?
Hi! VU is not an expansion, it´s a modding framework not affiliated with EA & DICE.
You can download VU from the VU Website.
If your Anti-Virus detects it as a virus - pls join the Venice Unleashed Discord and post that into the feedback channel so a developer can sort that issue with the antivirus. You also will get further support over there!
Hope to see you soon in Reality Mod! 
make sure your downloading from this site then turn that crap off(anti virus) download it up then turn av back on…should whitlist it(the program)…or at least that is what i had to do…i had AVG free