StopGrenadesSpam - Stop people from spamming granade


You can throw grenades, but if you spam it you will be kicked. You will get warning if you are reaching a configurable limit per life, limit reset every time you respawn.


-- Maximum grenade a player resupply before getting warned
self.MaxGrenadeBeforeWarn = 2

-- Maximum grenade a player resupply before getting kicked
self.MaxGrenadePerLife = 4


Source Code

Feel free to tinker anyway you want.


Or you can limit the spam by grenades per minute. I bet players would just throw 3 nades and suicide to bypass this limit.

well, at least you can throw nades if you continuously got killed. Your team tickets will go down if you keep suicide anyways, lesser impact for normal gameplay.

Interesting solution. I think you could also just modify the resupply time of the grenades specifically. Or you could do that additional.