VU Clean Chat [V1.0.0]

Hello guys!

A smol mod to keep the VU servers/chats cleaner of bad language

Edit banned words in /ext/server/banned.lua

Change maximum warnings in /ext/client/init.lua

Scans for “Banned Words” in Chat Messages. Every detection adds a warning. If max warnings are exceeded → Player gets kicked

How it works:

Add your banned words (lowercase) into the table, don´t forget to add a comma between words:

banned = {

"bannedword1", "bannedword2", . . .


Words in instantkick{} will lead to instant kick duh:

instantkick = {

"word", . . .


Direct DL: (2.8 KB)


@Moderators - this post has been flagged for moderation in the development topic, as i didn´t think i would actually finish the mod (and you never deleted the post :wink: ) - so i just used this as a release post (you can drop the deletion flag, if possible, thanks!)

Welcome, and nice first mod!

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Thanks! :smiley: - Basically this isn´t my “first mod” just the first concept because i guess Darkness Unleashed was “done” faster haha but well :smile:

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