VU Progression

Hi there!

To anybody interested, i have been working on a basic progression mod for VU and i have recently decided to make the repo public. The mod is extremely barebones at the moment. It includes the following:

  • Locking guns, equipment and attachments for all new players joining on a server.
  • Creates a progression object for each client that keeps track of XP and kills, per weapon and per class
  • Hooks into an on XP event to “level up” a client
  • Stores the data after each match, or on client leave, in a server based SQL DB that is found on the server with the mod. Yes, i know universal progression would be nice, but i was still in the process of figuring out how to write to external DB’s and couldn’t find an immediate answer.

The following things are missing however:

  • No UI elements to keep track of progression. Only sign is actually having the guns or equipment.
  • No level up or unlock animations/sounds
  • No vehicle progression

More or less all class loadout equipment, apart from vehicles, have been locked by removing them and them re-adding them when certain points are reached in the level up course. I tested this with funbots. It doesnt lock the equipment of the bots, but i wanted to keep this player based and you can in fact level up vs them.

It does not 100% follow EA’s vision of progression, because first of all, i dont have all that info, and secondly, i wanted to implement slightly different progression, such as having equipment unluck universally per class, instead of both teams having seperate progression depending on whether you are US or RU (like it is in BF4), as well as making progression a little bit more fair. Even though BF3 is considered to be one of the best FPS games on the market, the general sentiment of the progression is to make it annoyingly grindy to persuade users into buying booster packs. I want progression because it keeps me invested in the game, but bad progression is going to annoy people >.<

As for the project itself, its been a while since i have worked on it and i hit several walls during development. The most important of all, is that all my time had ran out working on it as i was shifting between jobs.

Considering that the foundations of this mod can be taken forward by more skilled developers, i think its a better option to make it public and reach out to people that could take it forward.

As for clients that want to try it out, you can still download the mod and install it the same way as any other mod. It does not have any dependancies and should on paper still be working fine, but remember, this is still VERY early in development, so be careful!

The repository:

If you have any questions about this, feel free to ask me, and if you want to contribute to the project, leave me a DM and we can discuss!

Happy hunting!


Sweet !!
i digged in the code, look pretty cool.

Very good idea. Most player like when everything is unlocked from the beginning. But i like a little bit of grinding. Unfortunately i am not a skilled modder.