Using the terrain from the classic singleplayer mission Kaffarov, this is a map based off the events of the mission.
You can choose the following modes in this map: Domination, Gunmaster, Squad TDM and TDM.
To load these, write ‘XP2_Skybar Domination0, XP2_Skybar SquadDeathMatch0, XP2_Skybar GunMaster0 or XP2_Skybar TeamDeathMatchC0’ in your MapList.txt.
This map is using Ziba Tower as a foundation.
MAKE SURE YOU SET ‘-highResTerrain’ AS A LAUNCH COMMAND FOR YOUR SERVER (you should do this anyway). Without this, the terrain collision gets trippy.
All of this have been possible thanks to SassythSasqutch (who made the base mod and make it possible to load the campaign missions themselves), FoolHen (who found how to block properly the terrain),MajorVictory87 (who made possible to get Enlighten in such maps), IllustrisJack (who helped on coding and set different wind speeds), Jannsent and Bree_Arnold (who helped on coding).
The final version of how to convert single player and coop maps will be posted by SassythSasqutch soon™, my version is old but functional.
Remember that this custom map will completely overwrite Ziba, so if you want to play on such map you’ll have to uninstall it.
- Unzip Kaffarov
- drag: MapLoader-Villa, Villa-Custom-map and vu-Villa inside your mods folder.
- Choose any mode from xp2_skybar and enjoy.
Updated Villa to 1.1.1
- Added FX
- Rebuilt some rooms and corridors.
Download: (353.2 KB)