Fun-bots - TDM - AI - Bots for BF3-VU

Absolutely love this but have a few Feature requests

Let it be possible too set the bot count to e.g.
Botcount = ${number of players} x factor
so there will always be for example 2.5 times as many bots as players?

would it be possible to create a “pistol only” or “xbows only” game mode with players vs. bots?

Hello author
I am a Taiwan player
When I run this module
The game mode is TDM
But after entering the server, no BOT is generated
And no response after UI click
Please reply to me if you need me to provide files

Thank you for your Ideas! Pistol only is already possible (Just select the Bot-Weapon in the main-page of the Settings)

Could you provide some more information about the version of the Mod you use and what map it is? Just pm me these informations please.

I think I found an issue, that could cause this behavior! Could you just overwrite the mod.db file again and don’t save anything ingame?
If it then works, we already found the problem and will fix it soon…

Hey there! First of all thanks for your amazing mod, its so much fun!
On my server the bots are dying without any obvious reasons. Do you know this behavior or is there anything in the settings i did wrong?

Really haven’t seen this behavior jet :slight_smile:
Are they maybe outside of the valid map-limitation? This can happen if they spawn for example on a conquest - map in a area only the other team is allowed to be…

Yeah I have this problem on rush mode, it works great but as defender the tickets get lost too fast xD
Thanks anyway for your answer!

You could record several pahts in different zones and spawn the bots on fixed ways (via chat-commands). Or write a kind of selection algorithm on the pahts. But this could be a little time consuming :slight_smile: . Maybe we will have more supported Gamemodes soon.

What are these commands and will it be saved after setup?
Different paths are set, I will keep an eye on this. Thank you very much!
Maybe I try to disable redzones for bot team, if it is possible.

You can use the vu var vu.DesertingAllowed to disable players getting killed for leaving the combat area.

All other solutions require a little coding at least…

Thanks very much, it works good so far!

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I am getting an Error report that appears to load up the server severely at times. This is spamming in game console:

[string “Bot.lua”]:360: attempt to compare number with stringstack traceback:[string “Bot.lua”]:360: in method ‘updateShooting’[string “Bot.lua”]:76: in method ‘onUpdate’[string “BotManager.lua”];135: in function <[string "BotManager.lua]"129>

Should not happen anymore in the new release

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Would it be possible to make Congestion sites…

eg: in Rush mode - move towards Mcoms regardless if you are attacker or defender.
also Rush mode - Activation or Deactivation of MCOMS

for Conquest - move towards flags, but only if they are taken…

Currently the bots are massive fun, even though they are stupid .
Made me think of a Zombie mod for VU - the current bots just needs to walk towards players instead of shooting them.

Thank you for your Feedback!
You can change the Weapon of the Bots to “Knive” (Settings-Global in the UI). Then they will just run towards you. If you want to change the speed you have to modify it in the file Bot.lua:777.
But we are already thinking about a Zombie-Mode or separated Mod :wink:

Right now the Bots only walk along on paths. But as soon as we add more logic to the pathfinding, these suggestions from you shold be done verry fast :slight_smile:

Hi, i need some help in same problem, server is running , it shows 10 bots in team menu but they don’t spawn anywhere on the map. I’m new in this and maybe am doing something wrong.

On your map are no valid Paths (0 Paths have been loaded).
As MP013 is not supported jet, you have to record your own paths (With the trace-menu) and save them.
Afterwards your bots will spawn.

Thanks for fast reply, but i think my problem is that i was running Conquest map. Can i have bots in Conquest mode or it have to be TDM only. Thank you

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Can you add an infinite ammo function? When practicing with the bot, I always run out of bullets quickly,Thanks for making this great mod!