I finally got the stupid EA app to work, and can play Battlefield again! I saw the trailer for Venice Unleashed a while back and was excited to try it out, so I downloaded the client, installed, linked my EA account, and… there’s no one online… not a single soul (aside from bots). Is this game dead? Does anyone still play?
also had a broken bf3 install because of EA…
fixed it, check out VU, still no players
checking every now and then if something has changed, but unfortunately not.
nothing is going to change probably until ea shuts down official bf3 support
Hello, how did you make the client work and run bbt3 I haven’t been able to make it work, it asks me for a game code I don’t understand anything anymore
lol and i bet it stopped working with ea app…im jebus christine sixteen tho… https://youtu.be/HUB4W0qLHv8 …youre welcome
lol and i bet it stopped working with ea app…im jebus christine sixteen tho… https://youtu.be/HUB4W0qLHv8 …youre welcome