How to run a local server (easy)

How to run a local server (easy)

In this tutorial I want to show you an easy way to run a local server.
For more information you should go through the docs:

1: Download these files

First download these files: (9.0 MB) (7.7 MB)

2: Extract them

Extract the in C:\Users\%username%\Documents\Battlefield 3\

3: Create a Server Key

Go to: Login - VU

4: Download the Server Key

5: Paste the Server Key

Paste the server.key in the Server folder (C:\Users\%username%\Documents\Battlefield 3\Server\)

6: Start the Server

Click on the Start Server.bat in the Server folder to launch your own local server.
(You can do right click + Edit to add extra launch arguments.)

7. Start Procon (optional)

As a last step you can run the Procon executable to setup your map list, run some plugins or just run some RCON commands in the console.


Now you can just search your server in the VU client server browser and join. Have fun!

PS: I added some mods to the mod folder. They are also in the ModList.txt, but most of them are commented out (with #).


Is it possible to run a local server without opening my router’s ports? My provider sucks and that isn’t allowed, for some reason.