Greetings, and good morning.
i am installing a VU server here, localy it works perfectly.
adjusted the startscript.bat to my wishes and had some local fun.
I have also a server machine running here (24/7 on )
copied the VU instance to it, and copied the full 36 GB bf3 directory to it.
and adjusted again the startscript.bat for it.
this is how it looks now.
@echo off
set INSTANCEDIRECTORY=d:\games\vu\server
set IP=
set GAMEPORT=25200
set RCONPORT=47200
set GAMEPATH=d:\games\vu\server\Battlefield 3
cd d:\games\vu
start vu.exe -server -dedicated -high60 -listen %IP%:%GAMEPORT% -RemoteAdminPort %IP%:%RCONPORT% -mHarmonyHost %IP%:%HARMONYPORT% -serverInstancePath “%INSTANCEDIRECTORY%” -gamepath “%GAMEPATH%”
what under normal conditions should work.
but for some reasons it says the following message.
Venice Unleased - failure
could not locate the main battlefield 3 executable (bf3.exe). please verify your
battlefield 3 installation through Origin and try again.
Wel, i cant install origin ,it starts whining about missing msvcp140.dll
to be honnest i am to lazy at this point to fix that
any clue how i can cheat it anyways ?
and yes, my BF3 is legit…