Installing VU / BF3 on remote server

Greetings, and good morning.
i am installing a VU server here, localy it works perfectly.
adjusted the startscript.bat to my wishes and had some local fun.
I have also a server machine running here (24/7 on )
copied the VU instance to it, and copied the full 36 GB bf3 directory to it.
and adjusted again the startscript.bat for it.

this is how it looks now.
@echo off
set INSTANCEDIRECTORY=d:\games\vu\server
set IP=
set GAMEPORT=25200
set RCONPORT=47200
set GAMEPATH=d:\games\vu\server\Battlefield 3
cd d:\games\vu
start vu.exe -server -dedicated -high60 -listen %IP%:%GAMEPORT% -RemoteAdminPort %IP%:%RCONPORT% -mHarmonyHost %IP%:%HARMONYPORT% -serverInstancePath “%INSTANCEDIRECTORY%” -gamepath “%GAMEPATH%”

what under normal conditions should work.
but for some reasons it says the following message.
Venice Unleased - failure
could not locate the main battlefield 3 executable (bf3.exe). please verify your
battlefield 3 installation through Origin and try again.

Wel, i cant install origin ,it starts whining about missing msvcp140.dll
to be honnest i am to lazy at this point to fix that

any clue how i can cheat it anyways ?
and yes, my BF3 is legit…

You can use a parameter to specify the game location when launching VU. Also OTool allows downloading and installing origin games.

yes, that is the gamepath parameter, that is given also, unless i am missing something else.
as far tested on my game rig, VU works great, ex that the server is crashy with multiple maps and some mods, so i stick atm on one map.
oh, did i mention, my server machine is a windows machine…

This problem is solved…
i did it the hard and tricky way, by manualy copieng the msvcp140.dll by hand from my main machine to the remote machine and installed origin, and let it do its work…