Fun-bots - TDM - AI - Bots for BF3-VU

Hi, I just changed the weapon-fire logic back to manual values form If you want you can test if you like them this way. The change is on the branch “smart_nodes”.

Really appreciate your work, thanks for taking your time and doing this.
I downloaded it from github from branch “smart_nodes” its says version is and i can tell something was done because it shows that ext folder was changed 1 hour ago.
I only use support and assault bots. Support bots firing continuesly, assaults are still firing in burst…

De_Joe-91 you know what you are ? You are AMAZING.
Just tested with damage settings from and bots feel amazing…
They even use pistols now when they run out of bullets on their primary!! Instead of reloading in the middle of gun fight like a retards in
And most importantly they now DE-SPAWN!
Tried in the Strike at Karkand cos thats where they get stuck the most. I didnt kill the bots on purpose to see if they would de-spawn and THEY DID!.
They still dont feel like in and i cant put my finger on it what it is but i think i will tweak them to feel like it.
Other than that you are AMAZIN man. Thats all i wanted from these bots and you added features that i havent even thought of but are really great. Cant thank you enough.
One question tho… can i use that on my server 24/7 now ? Is it only for testing or there should be no problems and i can run it ?


Did couple of runs and ow man… De_Joe-91 again… you are superb man. Did some tweaking and now bots feel even better than… that version is now obsolete to me…
Support bots can ACTUALLY AIM NOW thats amazin.
What i did find that i had to change from tho is botFirstShotDelay
In they felt slow… they would notice you but it took WAY to much time for them to start firing.
Before (in i had it set to 0.3 now i had to set it to 0.17
I also changed fov to 230. With these settings bots feel even harder now but i think its mostly due to the fact that support bots can actually aim.


I just pushed V1.7.0.3.
Still no release version, but with seine crossing in conquest small and large and some minor tweaks :wink:
Have fun :smiley:


@ De_Joe-91

Thank you for making bots for conquest mode.
Playing conquest mode brings back memories of my childhood. :grinning:
I really appreciate your mod.


Thank you for this mod. Just tried the latest version & it’s great to see the bots throw down ammo packs and med-kits and do revives. Played a match in Karkand with 20 bots on each side and it was a ton of fun. Thanks again.


Yeah I am absolutely loving every iteration of the Fun-Bots Mods.

But cannot seem to get bots to work on Kharg Island nor Strike at Karkand.
Tried the following in the map file:

MP_018 ConquestSmall0 1
XP1_001 ConquestAssaultLarge0 1
XP1_001 ConquestAssaultSmall0 1
XP1_001 ConquestAssaultSmall1 1

But none of them seems to spawn any bots (neither automatically or when I manually add them).

Any suggestions as to what I’m doing wrong?

hi have you added them to your maplist?

what version of the mod are you using? Have you replaced all files?

Using fun-bots-
All files replaced (i.e. deleted old fun-bots folder and replaced it with v.

Running with the following Spawn settings:

spawnMode = 'increment_with_players',	-- mode the bots spawn with
spawnInBothTeams = true,		-- Bots spawn in both teams

For those two maps I cannot get any bots to spawn - but works perfectly fine on the other supported maps (MP_001, MP_007, MP_011, MP_Subway)

You need at least I think. Or just use the latest commit on the master branch…

same issue for me. I can´t spawn bots on those 2 maps. Everything else works as expected (version
those are the 2 maps/ gamemodes that don´t work correctly on version
XP1_001 ConquestAssaultLarge0 1
XP1_001 ConquestAssaultSmall1 1

Okay, I will have a look at. Maybe the maps got corrupted at one point…

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Thank you very much! Your mod is awesome. Brings back the old Battlefield 2 LAN atmosphere <3


Just pulled down v. and I now have bots in

MP_018 ConquestSmall0 1
XP1_001 ConquestAssaultSmall0 1

Thanks again, Joe, for an absolutely awesome mod!


V. worked great, but tried V. (clean install) and seems bots are just standing there now and when I kill them, they do not respawn.
Tested on MP_012, MP_013, MP_017 (small) and Metro (large).

Anyone else having similar issues?

Sorry to hear that. I will have a look at this the next days. For now: just stay with

No problem…I rolled back…just keep up the amazing work; I’m sure plenty of us are more than happy to test when needed! :slight_smile:

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Did you wait long enough? Bree_Arnold found a solution to let the bots only walk when the round is started. Could that be what causes this?
If I test it they stand still while the round is not started and just start with the players…