Fun-bots - TDM - AI - Bots for BF3-VU

Thanks a lot for your investigations! This should not be the case but with that information I might be able to fix this.
I will let you know when I find something out. If you want you can join the discord as well. There are more people active than here…

On some maps they already fly the choppers in the dev version of the mod :wink:

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Really?! Cool… cannot wait to see that… but hey… take ur time, since this is a work u guys are doin only coz u love the game… No pressure… I just played a Conquest match with 47 bots (24 vs 24)… sob’s just got me good and won lol… only thing I noticed was that rubberbanding… u say that it’s because of using the same pc for both running the server and playing in there, right?

Yeah, if you reduce the frequency of the server it might work better. Or just less bots.

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Ah, good… thanks, I’ll keep that in mind… btw, can ya tell me wich maps are functional with the helis like you said before? Also… besides of the tickrate… can network smoothing help to reduce rubberbanding? U know, the option game has…

I swear you and your team are saints. To be perfectly honest I thought the new Bf 2042 would change everything for me and make me care a bit less about this mod ever being completed and having some kind of potential fulfilled, but seeing how far dice took battlefield away from something that I enjoy and want to play has disappointed me entirely, and made me in return care about this mod only even more. Bf3 for me, with venice unleashed, this mod, and other ones I mix in, is the apex of FPS experience that I see myself playing for many many many years to come, and with each new CoD and Bf titles coming out I realize just how hard it will be to surpass this glorious game. Everything about this game was an absolute gamechanger for me, and without you guys and your mod I would have never felt that romantic feeling again, ever…and I’m not alone at this, many feel this way I can tell you. So, thank you again for your hard work and dedication. I hope to buy you all a beer someday and reflect with you on this experience and these good times, cheers! <3


The rubberbanding comes from too much load on the server.
We will soon release the dev-7 Version with also some paths for jets. I will let you know :slight_smile:

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Thanks a lot! You’re welcome :slight_smile:

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Having problems with trying to add more bots, and I can’t access my UI permissions

Or just disable the permissions in the Config.lua

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Hi guys first of all thank you for bringing BF3 alive by doing this mod. I only have concern like I dunno why I m laging (like high ping but whenever I check it’s low ) gameplay is smooth but its like an delayed action, oh it only appears whenever i increase bot number but if its default like 5/6 its fine. I’m using 60 Hz VU server with fun bots enabled and procon for server setting.

I have an decent laptop and that lag doesn’t appear whenever I play on base game (Origin) so I guess system its not an issue, please guys I can’t wait to play this since I found out I could play with bots (I m not noob but I tired to play with some tryharder in online match hahaha)

Thank you Guys I hope you guys can understand my situation :grinning:


Running a Server with Bots on the same System is very demanding. So you can do several things:

  • Reduce the frequency to 30 Hz
  • Use less bots
  • Run the server on an other system
  • Hope for future improvements in performance of VU and the bots
  • Increase the update-cycles of the Bots (which might lead to other issues)
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Oww I see But how can I increase the update-cycles of the Bots?

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Oww Thank you! I’m gonna try it now. Thanks again for making battlefield 3 Great again
I hope on the next update it can fix isssue.

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At least for the mod I don’t think so since I’m working on other features atm which also take cpu load. But maybe in a future update. When using more Bots just use astronger system or an separated server or play at 30 Hz for the moment.

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Hey thanks it works! I’m using 30 hz. What do you mean separated server? I’m only use procon for server setting. Oh btw I dunno why whenever the 2nd round came my server crash even though the map is playable for fun bots mod

Oh… so, it doesn’t help changin “network smoothing” option… oh well… good to know… and I also saw that u guys ain’t put more than 16 bots on each team in ur server… I’ll keep that in mind… it’s just that playing 24 vs 24 is so tempting lol… btw, last night I was playing a match on Op. Firestorm… had to get afk coz something I needed to take care of and guess what? I got kicked out of the match… from my own friggin server, LOL, can ya believe that? So friggin hilarious, man… I just reconnected to it and had to respawn all bots all over again… fortunately the tickets remained the same from before I got kicked out… but well… in the end my team won, yay!

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hey there… look, one way u can activate those permissions is by editing the config file from the mod folder… inside the mod folder, look for a folder named “ext”, then another folder named “Shared”, in that one u’ll find a file named “Config.lua”… open it by using Notepad, and then you must scroll down until you find a line that says “Ignore Permissions”, by default it says “false”… so u must write “true”, save the file and then restart the server… you should be able to activate the bot menu then… by pressing f12.

For new features:
Just use our dev-versions:

You can also join our discord to stay up to date.
In the latest dev-version there are the first flying jets…

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